Another troubleshooting solution updates from Secura IT Help Desk
Problem Scenario:
Our IT team members reported, while working with different web browsers sometimes they encounter error opening different installed browsers and they shows error like ‘Mozilla is crashed. Relaunch it again’ or with Google Chrome, you will see an error like ‘Whoa, chrome is crashed. Relaunch it’
Firefox Crashed @ SECURA has Solution
Because of huge malware attacks on machine, users lose their access on any of the web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome etc. In this situation, not even anti-viruses are helpful for complete solution.
The only way to get access on your web browser is to use RegRun Reanimator which is an excellent toolkit for protecting system from viruses, trojans, spyware etc. RegRun will save your crucial time and helps to do your work with any of the web browsers. Using this application, entire viruses, trojans, spywares etc will get remove from computer.
Download RegRun Reanimator
After rebooting system, you can feasibly use Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome etc.
Perfect tool for removing rootkits, BHO. It works where all anti-virus fails.
Secura IT team says – “Sheetal Malik – Technical Head”
We do not just provide manned guard security services, but our reach is also extended for cyber security.